Cyber Havoc CTF 2023


Digital ForensicsThe Cryptic Sound
Reverse EngineeringStart The Dos
CryptographyThe Beginning Of All
Web 3.0Private’s been Captured
Web 3.0Permission Denied

The Cryptic Sound


Elliot was working late at night when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from his computer. At first, he thought it was just a glitch or some interference, but the sound kept repeating. Elliot felt a strange sense of unease and began to suspect that there might be a hidden message in the sound.

Flag Format: CHCTF{}

Given a WAV audio file that plays strange audio when played, we assume it contains Morse code.

We can decode it using Morse Audio Decoder website



Start The Dos


Leon wants you to be a part of Agents of Havoc. He wants you to understand this software as old as hacking itself so as to fire a DoS Attack against whiterose’s targets. Help him before he suspects your intentions.

Flag Format: CHCTF{}

Given a file named dosser.s we can compile it using the following commands:

$ nasm -f elf32 -o dosser.o dosser.s
$ ld -m elf_i386 -o dosser dosser.o
$ file dosser
dosser: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped

After that, we can reverse the dosser ELF file using IDA Disassembler 32 bit. We will find a separate flag in the text segment stored in the al register.



The Beginning Of All


I was working on my laptop when my laptop suddenly glitched. I discussed it with my friends and to our surprise we all had the same color glitch. I guess it has to do something with the odd behavior of the people around me.

Flag Format: CHCTF{}

Given an MP4 video file that we were able to play, I initially thought that the video was corrupted due to color issues. However, after gathering more information, I discovered that it was actually a Hexahue Alphabet code.



Private’s been Captured


Leon just had a secret meeting with Alice. Book a SLOT with Alice see what he is upto.

Flag Format: CHCTF{}

In this Web3.0 (Blockchain) category challenge is presented in the form of a link resulting from an Ethereum transaction. This challenge is often encountered in the realm of Web3.0, and by clicking on Transaction Details we can access further information by selecting More Details > Click to Show More > View Input As followed by UTF-8.



Permission Denied


Cisco believes private data isn’t readable. Is it so?!?!

Flag Format: CHCTF{}

This challenge needs to be solved the same way as before, Input Data > View Input As > UTF-8

